Sunday, 14 June 2015

What I don't understand

Okay so I've realised something.... there's a few things I don't understand

1. How you can claim to love someone and then say the meanest most hurtful things to them. (Kind of explained in my last post)

2. How some people can't see past what society tells us we should act like or look like. Recently I overheard a group of girls at my school call a girl fat. So I questioned them on it. " Why do you feel the need to use the word fat as a bad thing ? Just because she doesn't fit what society has told us is the right way to look why is that so bad ?" I asked and heard no reply. This has happened a couple of times for me the first being when a group of boys called on of my friends gay, the incident above being the second.  The thing about them is they can't take it back they can only dish it our.

3. How some people can moan so much and do so little about it. I know a girl who says she's fat and hates the way she looks but she does nothing about it which is infuriating to me.

Sorry for my little rant just had to get a couple of things off my chest.

One thing I want to get clear is im not going to sugarcoat anything. If I'm finding somethings tough then you better believe I'm going to write about it. It I'm upset about something then I'm going to write about it.

Remember your beautiful,

Beth x

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